昆明户外婚礼 | 朋友圈都被赞爆了超温馨 | 婚礼跟拍




我闻到鲜花的芬芳,我遇见你;<br />像从千千万万朵兰花中筛选出的唯一;<br />像在千千万万人群看到你;<br />这些都不是偶然的事情;<br />那时到现在依旧牵手的你我;<br />都让我明白,生命中的偶然相遇;<br />其实,都是命中注定。

Lily,today i want to show to the whole world that my heart belongs to you

And our lives are forever connected,There is no treasure big enough than the fortune I have to marry you,I will always support you

And I can't wait to start a beautiful future with you,The best thing i could ever dream of is you,Dear, I love u

today i stand here is not only for my wedding,It's for our future,We r a family now

I really thank u give me a lot love, happiness and family and always spoil me,I hope future, we will have a wonderful future, i love u so much

一个人的时候请善待自己,两个人时善待对方 ,你们的牵手意味着对家庭共同的担当,责任,义务,忠诚。希望你们在以后的日子里多一点理解,宽容,多一点体谅,关心 。<br />

Johan,今天我把女儿交给你 ,希望你能呵护她一生,陪伴她一生。


守护一场婚姻,需要你们一辈子的倾尽全力。<br />

